On 15th March 2009 DIRK India will inaugurate its second classification plant at the Nashik POZZOCRETE factory. The key note address will be delivered by Prof. Ravindra K. Dhir. His lecture is titled: Fly Ash: A Superhero for Durable and Sustainable Concrete Construction. The opening of the new plant will be in the presence of dignitaries and business friends from India, Middle East, Asia and Europe. Prof. Dhir has been involved in promoting the use of processed Fly Ash in structural concrete by giving a number of lectures on seminars organized by DIRK India for its Indian customers. Says Mr. Dirk (chairman of DIRK Group): " I am delighted that Prof. Dhir was available for a valuable lecture to the national and international construction fraternity assembling at the plant inauguration." The Response to Prof. Dhir's lecture will be given by Mr. G. Dirk entitled: Fly Ash: A waste - good or bad for the environment?
Some more information regarding the lecture and the speaker:
Synopsis. The intrinsic physical, chemical and morphological characteristics of fly ash, produced at coal-fired electric power stations, which blend well with clinker to form superior low-heat and low-emission cements are explained. Following on from this fundamental understanding, and drawing from over 30 years extensive research undertaken by the author, improvements that can be imparted to the performance of concrete (fresh properties, strength development, engineering properties to durability) through incorporating fly ash are discussed, as well as the environmental impact and sustainability issues. A case for a greater use of fly ash in concrete construction world-wide in general, and developing countries in particular, is proposed and real cost benefits established. The paper concludes by making a strong point for treating fly ash as a valuable resource and encouraging greater use of fly ash in concrete construction.
Speaker. Professor Ravindra Dhir, an internationally acknowledged scholar and practitioner in concrete science, technology and construction, is the founding Director of the Concrete Technology Unit, which he developed into a world class Centre of Excellence – the position from which he retired very recently. Awarded the OBE for services to concrete technology, his approach to research is visionary and creative, and by working closely with industry he ensures the dissemination of his research into practice. This won him the Honorary Fellowship of the Institute of Concrete Technology and many other awards including, the DTI’s Secretary of State and the British Cement Association. Widely published (2 books; 58 conference proceedings; 45 technical reports; 239 papers) and contributor to many industrial panels and committees (Concrete Society-UK; CIRIA; ACI, BSI, Government, Research Council, Editorial Boards), Professor Dhir has travelled very widely and is currently the President Designate, UK Concrete Society.