DIRK Group is investing IRs 12 cr in a state of the art Fly Ash grinding plant at Nashik. The plant is designed in its first stage to grind 500 ts of rejects per day from the existing classification plant. At the same time the silo capacity for raw ash as well as POZZOCRETE product is increased by additional 800 ts. The second phase of the grinding plant project will include a facility to produce ultrafine fly ash as partial replacement for microsilica.
The new installation will make a second grade of POZZOCRETE as grinding of Fly Ash will damage the spherical structure of the ash and not provide the advantage of up to 10% water/cement ratio reduction which is achieved by classified Fly Ash.
The process will result in the elimination of all residues from the Nashik plant, which is a further environmental improvement.
The resulting product will have the same criteria (if mixed with OPC at construction sites) as PPC. This will offer a number of new future possibilities for DIRK like inter-grinding with cement clinker to make PPC for the cement retail market, or even make OPC by mere clinker milling for the local market.