This conference is organised by the Confederation of Indian Industries in subfunding by the Canadian Government. Mr. Georg Dirk is co-sharing one of the conference sessions together with Dr. Vimal Kumar, Head of Fly Ash Mission, New Delhi. Mr. Dirk and will be presenting: "NASHIK FLY ASH RECYCLING PROJECT : A Case Study by DIRK Group". Confrence venue:Taj Palace, New Delhi 12th-13th December 2005
The only mass application for the Fly Ash which was initially concieved as the waste from coal fired power stations is in concrete, either by high percentage cement replacement or by producing Pozzolan Portland Cements (PPC) with lower replacement rates.
The Canadian Government in cooperation with teh CII has been funding a very successful awareness campaign for the High Volume utilization of Fly Ash. This conference will showcase the findings of this project.
It is noticable that the perception of Fly Ash into "a valuable raw material" has been the result of such initiatives and the educational work into which Dirk India invested IRs 5cr. and culminated in creating the privatly funded Maharashtra Fly Ash Information Center.