In its volume 5, Issue 4, "ENVIRONMENT, Science and Engineering reports on DIRK India's Fly Ash Recycling Project, which became a success story. In the year 2000 when this project started Fly Ash recycling into a partial cement replacement was a novelty for India. The project had to face a lot of obstacles which were overcome.The magazine editor is quoting Christoper Reeve who said " Many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they become inevitable".....Georg Dirk made his dream happen.
The magazine is highlighting the environmental angle of cement replacement by Pulverized Fuel Ash. as 1 ton of cement creates approx. 1 ton of CO2 emissions which are saved by using PFA instead. The Nashik plant is currently producing nearly 500.000 of such cement replacement, which could double if the power generator would provide the fly ash as per the agreement signed in 2000.