DIRK India , Nashik plant, employs around 80 staff and gives work to around 500 contract laborers. After having initially joined an external Union the workforce resigned unanimously from this union and started forming their own DIRK India Private Ltd Internal Union. This step is an important move to create a healthy and forward looking working atmosphere without external influence. Mr. Georg Dirk formally acknowledged this Internal Union at a meeting with the representative group of Union members.
A number of the political parties active in Maharashtra operate their own Unions. The DIRK India , Nashik plant, staff was attracted to the Communist Nashik Workers Union. This Union was not acknowledged by Dirk India Private Ltd. After long considerations the Nashik workforce opted to form their own internal union and resolved payment and others issues with the management of Dirk India in form of a 3 years wage settlement.
Mr. Georg Dirk, chairman of DIRK GROUP, stated that the company is happy to now having a clear forward looking agenda of in view of the upcoming additional production plant at the Nashik site. Mr. Tupe, President of the Union, thanked Mr. Dirk for the fair agreement reached and promised full cooperation of the workforce to reach the ambitious aims of the company in respect of volume output but especially in achieving highest quality standards of the POZZOCRETE products.